2010年4月8日 星期四

We're Shaklee Corporation

We're Shaklee Corporation
As the number one natural nutrition company in the U.S., we've been making people healthier for over 50 years. And we've made it part of our job to make the planet healthier along the way.
We were doing it back when green was just a color and biodegradable was barely a word. In fact, as early as 1960, we made one of the first biodegradable household cleaners ever. And we were the first company in the world to obtain Climate Neutral™ certification and totally offset our CO2 emissions, resulting in a net zero impact on the environment.
We do what we do because we think it's essential to do our small part as part of the movement to make people and the planet healthier. In doing so, we believe each of our contributions put together will create the major change we wish to see in the world.
We're Shaklee Corporation

I would like to offer a business opportunity.That may halp you ......
1.to earn more money
2.to become beautiful
3.to be more heautiful
4.better you better world
ifyou're interested you're welcome to attend our free opportunity and product demo meeting.
Choose me~~because " I LOVE YOU"
Change you mind!~ Change you heart ! Change the world !
I believe ~~Choose your love ; love your choice
Manifesting is a natural part of the mind, our natural power of choice. "The more you believe it the quicker it will happen"
Independent Distributor:

Hsiao chin-ju 8008170


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康利開啟無限可能 /兼職與創業/健康與美麗/瘦身與減重/環保與種樹/養生與保養 /財富與自由1421團隊嘉康利將要改變全球百萬人的生活,不僅要幫助他們帶 來健康,更要為他們創造財富。 amy蕭Hsiao chin-ju(8008170)尋找全國國際經銷商洽:00-886-98561421 Skype:amy0982265477
